To show formatted text Hilite is used
Our goal is to configure an Eclipse Maven JSF2 2.2 and CDI with Tomcat.
Weld reports a great problem for servlet containers :
- NO @EJB INJECTION can be used.
- NO @PersistentContext INJECTION can be used.
So the previous example where a @SessionScoped bean was defined SHOULD NOT WORK (OR MAYBE IT CAN WORK)
As mentioned in BalusC Blog these dependencies will be referenced :
Our pom.xml file may be this one
Defining Maven dependencies
As mentioned in BalusC Blog these dependencies will be referenced :
- weld-servlet-shaded.jar (requiered)
validation-api.jar (optional for bean validation)
hibernate-validator.jar (optional for bean validation)
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Creating additional files
These files are our candidates for being created in our webapp folder:
- META-INF/context.xml (not necessary for Mojarra version > 2.2.11 ( using now 2.2.14)
- WEB-INF/beans.xml (empty file)
NOTE: I have encountered an error on Maven reporting that failed to read artifact descriptor for hibernate-validator dependency. There are different solutions to this issue is in stackoverflow and this other one stackoverflow.
As mentioned above we SHOULD NOT use CDI @SessionScoped Beans with Tomcat, (we could use @ViewScoped instead .... but for now I will only change the @SessionScoped reference of this dependence to Weld javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped)
The new annotation replacement for @ManagedBean is @Named according to Weld
But our class must implement Serializable interface in order to avoid this error
Managed bean KeyboardBean which declares a passivating scope SessionScoped must be passivation
capable [JSR-346 §6.6.5]
Our class KeyboardBean will be now:
Let's execute as last post Run As - Run on Server, select tomcat and our URL is:
And everything should go as last post
Updating existing files
As mentioned above we SHOULD NOT use CDI @SessionScoped Beans with Tomcat, (we could use @ViewScoped instead .... but for now I will only change the @SessionScoped reference of this dependence to Weld javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped)
The new annotation replacement for @ManagedBean is @Named according to Weld
But our class must implement Serializable interface in order to avoid this error
Managed bean KeyboardBean which declares a passivating scope SessionScoped must be passivation
capable [JSR-346 §6.6.5]
Our class KeyboardBean will be now:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | package org.ximodante.jsf; //import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; //import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped; import; //@ManagedBean @Named @SessionScoped public class KeyboardBean implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String value="12345"; public String getValue() { System.out.println("KeyboardBean::reading value: " + value); return value; } public void setValue(String value) { System.out.println("KeyboardBean::setting value: " + value); this.value = value; } } |
Let's execute as last post Run As - Run on Server, select tomcat and our URL is:
And everything should go as last post